Demand Response (ADA): Special Services for those qualified under ADA
All Mountain Rides primary buses are accessible with lift or ramp equipment to help those who need it, so everyone can utilize our fixed route bus services. If you cannot make it to our existing fixed routes, Mountain Rides provides curb to curb accessible van service in the Ketchum — Sun Valley area for those who qualify under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1991. This service is a demand response service that requires scheduling for next day service for those who cannot use the available fixed route service.
Who qualifies under ADA?
All people with disabilities, visible and hidden, including:
- a person with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life functions (eating, breathing, caring for oneself, working, walking, etc.), OR
- a person with a record of such an impairment (even if that record is inaccurate), OR
- a person who is regarded as having such an impairment.
How do you become qualified to ride Mountain Rides ADA service?
To become qualified you must first fill out our ADA form, located here. Once qualified, you are able to schedule trips with Mountain Rides to use this service.
How do I schedule a trip?
To schedule a trip for next day service, you must contact Mountain Rides in advance of the trip by calling 208-788-7433 ext. 108. Be ready to provide all trip details.
There is a fee for service between Hailey/Bellevue and Ketchum/Sun Valley.
When does the service operate?
Mountain Rides ADA demand response service operates the same hours and days as the Ketchum – Sun Valley Town System (route schedule varies by time of year – contact us for details).
Where can I go?
With Mountain Rides ADA demand response service, you can travel to and from any points that are located up to three-quarters (3/4) of a mile on either side of the existing Mountain Rides fixed route system in the Ketchum – Sun Valley Area.
How to Request a modification of service
Reasonable modifications are allowable. Contact Mountain Rides if you have any questions about a modification to your service.
What about service in Hailey?
Within Hailey, Mountain Rides operates the Hailey Town Route that will deviate up to three quarters (3/4) of a mile to pick up those who cannot make it to the regular stops. There is no pre-qualification for this service, please contact Mountain Rides 788-RIDE (7433) to schedule a trip for next day service for any deviation to pick up or drop off outside of the normal route.